We're into the 4th month of my give-back program called The Seed Campaign, and in December the goal is to raise money to cure childhood cancer!
What Could be a Better Gift for Kids than a Cancer Cure?
When you buy a copy of my book through my website, www.jeannieralston.com, the commission Amazon gives back will be donated to CureSearch, in the name of my nephew Jacob Ralston (that's him at age 3 in this adorable photo).
In August 2007, at the heartbreakingly young age of 2, Jacob was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. As you can imagine his parents and his whole extended family were devastated.
For 9 months Jacob kept his spirits up while undergoing chemo and proton therapy, and thankfully today his scans are all clear. We all know how lucky he is and we pray that the luck holds. (Please join in the prayers that on Dec. 3rd his scans come back with "no evidence of disease.")
In the meantime, much needs to be done to find a cure. My sister-in-law and brother think CureSearch is doing amazing work to this end, and that's why in December all funds raised through The Seed Campaign will be donated to CureSearch in honor of Jacob and the fight that he's been waging.
Here's How You Do It
You can help Jacob and others like him by remembering to go to my website first for any Christmas shopping you do on Amazon. If you click on "Buy the Book" on my website, that will take you to Amazon and then you can shop for anything from that point and the Seed Campaign will get a commission for your purchases.
You Can Also Give Directly
If you're not going to be shopping on Amazon this season, but want to help out, you can make a direct donation to CureSearch. Send a check made out to CureSearch to:
Jim and Susan Ralston
P.O. Box 55267
Virginia Beach, VA 23471
In the memo, please write: In honor of Jacob Ralston. Jacob will make the presentation of the checks to CureSearch. THANK YOU!
November's Results: Helping Readers
Also, I want you to know that through your generosity and purchases, the Seed Campaign was able to raise $347 for Literacy Texas in November. Thank you so much for supporting my book and in the process helping others to enjoy reading!
Happy Holidays to all of you.
Oh...if you're in the Austin or Hill Country area, I'll be up your way this weekend (Dec. 5-7) appearing at 3 events. Please check my website for my schedule and come and visit!
All best wishes--Jeannie