So many worthy causes! So many people in need! So little time! Every month it's difficult to decide where I should be sending Seed Campaign funds. But this month, I've chosen a group whose work is especially critical in these times and fits nicely with the theme of my book.
I Love These Win-Win Scenarios
Since I know how life-changing running your own business can be, I've decided to donate this month to the Association of Women's Business Centers (AWBC), which helps more than 150,000 women entrepreneurs across the country with training, mentoring and financial opportunities.
AWBC believes what I found out myself: When a woman runs her own business, she can not only reinvent and energize her own life but also she can have a huge financial and psychological impact on her greater community.
The money we can raise in March through the Seed Campaign will help women get their businesses off the ground or keep them going--at a time when every community needs every financial engine possible to maintain growth and jobs.
Please click here to find out about AWBC's excellent work
Every Dollar Works Harder Through the Seed Campaign
Everyone is being careful with their money these days, so make every dollar count for more.
If you'd like to buy my book to give as inspiration to an entrepreneur (along the lines of, if I can do it anyone can) or if you simply need to buy something on Amazon, your money can go farther to help women business owners.
Remember how it works: Go to my website and click on "Buy the Book," which will take you to Amazon.
Once you're at Amazon, either buy my book (smile!) or find another product to buy. Amazon will return a commission on any item purchased to the Seed Campaign. EASY!
Previous Successes!
I'm happy to tell you that last month we raised $224 for the Ruby Slipper Project in Atlanta. That's the organization that does home or room makeovers for people going through transition. I'm so pleased that we could help this wonderful group in any way possible.
Also, above, you'll see the photo of my darling nephew Jake with my brother Jim presenting a check for $1,043 to Cure Search, the children's cancer research organization--donated in his name and made possible by all of you in the month of December.
Thanks to all of you for spreading the word about the Seed Campaign and my book. It really does work!
More Info on the Lavender Queen Hill Country Tour
Here are a few more specifics on the tour I'm going to be doing of places mentioned in my book.
It will be a one-day tour on Friday, June 12th--to coincide with the Blanco Lavender Festival which is June 13 & 14. It will be a very full day, featuring a stop at our old stone barn (above) and lunch at the Blanco Bowling Club Cafe and dinner at the Welfare Cafe.
I'll be sending out a separate mailing with all the specifics and the details on how to sign up. Stay tuned.
Thanks so much for all your help and enthusiasm--