Saturday, February 14, 2009

We're on Nightline

This Nightline segment has to do with our new hometown, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where we landed after our lavender adventure in Texas. Take a peek at our house here in Mexico and our family getting ready for school. By the way, the house the realtor is showing in the opening of the segment is our place.

Click here to see the Nightline video.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From Nicaragua to Atlanta


We're all probably painfully aware that purchasing power isn't what it used to be, but I want to remind you that through my Seed Campaign, you can make every dollar mean more!

Last month through the Seed Campaign, we raised money for a mission helping orphans in Nicaragua; this month Seed Campaign funds will go to a cause closer to home--one that truly embraces the meaning and power of "home."

Books for Orphans

I'm happy to report that in January, we raised $234 for Abrazando Cristo, the mission based in Lake Charles, LA, that has devoted itself to helping educate children at the San Cristobal (Nicaragua) Orphanage.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to meet the woman who suggested that I give to Abrazando Cristo through the Seed Campaign. Her name is Laurie Cormier and she has traveled frequently to Nicaragua to work with the children.

Laurie tells me that the money we raised will go to buying books for the orphans. How appropriate is that? "You just can't imagine the wonder and joy on these kids' faces when they see books," she tells me. "They have such respect for them; they don't have many at all."

Let's hope that this money can buy lots and lots of wonder and joy!

There's No Place Like Home

This month, money we can raise through the Seed Campaign will go to a clever, innovative cause in Atlanta called The Ruby Slipper Project.

The project grants interior design makeovers to families dealing with trauma, including teens aging out of foster care, evacuees from Hurricane Katrina and others going through transitions. Such as a high-school senior battling cancer, who just got a brighter, cooler bedroom where she can recover, thanks to the project.

The project believes that when someone is dealing with sickness and other problems they need the haven and security of home to keep going.

Click here to find out more about The Ruby Slipper Project's wonderful work.

A "Lavender Queen" Tour of the Texas Hill Country

I want to announce a special event I'm working on: I'm putting together a tour of many of the beautiful and meaningful locations mentioned in my book.

I'm planning to offer this 2-day tour just before the Blanco Lavender Festival, which is the weekend of June 13-15. We could visit Rose-Hill Manor, the Welfare Cafe, the Blanco Bowling Club, Krause Springs and--I hope!--our old stone barn where the story takes place.

Let me know if you have any interest in this excursion. I'll keep you posted on what's being planned and what the cost will be. Should be a blast!

Keep It Coming

Hope you'll continue to support the Seed Campaign by buying your Amazon products (and any more of my books you may need!) via my website.

Remember to click on "Buy the Book" on the home page of my website and after you get to The Lavender Queen book page on Amazon, you can do other shopping from there.

Thanks so much for all your help and enthusiasm--
