Isn't it nice to start off the year with good news, especially when there's so much gloomy news around?
Not only did we raise a nice amount for CureSearch in December but my beautiful nephew Jacob is doing much better in his struggle with cancer.
Thanks for the Prayers
I reported at one point that Jacob's MRI scan showed a dark mark on the place on his spine where there was a tumor last year. The worry was that the tumor had come back.
After much anxiety and a biopsy, doctors found that the bone mass on his spine was NOT cancerous. We're wildly relieved, as you can imagine.
Prayers certainly do work. Thank you so much.
The picture above is of my family and Jacob's family last year during his cancer treatment.
Thanks for the Donations
I'm happy to report that December's Seed Campaign efforts have raised, $1,034 for CureSearach, the wonderful organization that is looking for a cure for childhood cancer.
This breaks down to $300 in direct donations to CureSearch in Jacob's name and $734 in commissions from Amazon.
That $734 means that more than $11,000 in merchandise was bought on Amazon through my website. This is tremendous. And SO appreciated!
Please contact me if you still want to make a direct donation to CureSearch in Jacob's name.
Click here to find out more about CureSearch's wonderful work.
A New Year of Giving
This month, January, the Seed Campaign will be donating to Abrazando Cristo, a wonderful Roman Catholic mission program based in Lake Charles, Louisiana, that came to the aid of people in Nicaragua after devastating Hurricane Mitch and continues to work in Nicaragua and Honduras. One of its main projects is helping to educate children at the San Cristobal (Nicaragua) Orphanage.
Abrazando Cristo came to my attention through a member of the Southwest Louisiana chapter of the Pulpwood Queens book club (a national book club with some 200 chapters). The chapter has raised money for the mission and many members have even gone down to Nicauraga to help with the project.
The Pulpwood Queens book club--specifically this chapter in Louisiana--has been very supportive of my book. And I'm happy to embrace one of the chapter's cherished causes.
If you have anything to purchase at Amazon, please go to my website first and click on buy the book. Then from my book page, you can puchrase anything else on Amazon and the money will go to Abrazando Cristo's work.
Click here to go to my website:
Special Event in January
Speaking of the Pulpwood Queen book club: I've been invited to take part in their annual convention on Jan. 15-17 in Jefferson, Texas.
If any of you are in the area, please come out and say hello.
Click here to learn more about the Pulpwood Queen's convention.
One more thing. Please check out a column I wrote for Huffington Post about Holiday sharing. I hope it's a sentiment we can all keep in mind during the coming year.
My Huffington Post column
Jeannie Ralston